Select Parts of Term:
Can select both Boulder main campus and Boulder distance for same session
Run CEPS separate from Boulder main/Boulder distance
Currently, Anschutz appears under Denver—working on a fix for thatDenver
Select Details
Choose the relevant evaluation (Boulder 2020, AMC 2020, Denver 2187)
Create an Administration Name: Campus Session # (e.g., Boulder Session 5)
Leave “Include Custom Instructor Questions” unchecked
Select Dates
Weekly sessions open at 11 a.m. each Monday (or Tuesday in case of holiday)
Weekly sessions close at 11:59 p.m. Friday (or Saturday in case of holiday)
Occasionally, there are weekend classes that are exceptions, but they are rare
Final sessions open at 12 a.m. on Monday (except for Boulder Law) and run through 11:59 p.m. the following Monday Tuesday (except for Boulder Law and Boulder Engineering Extended)
Except for summer term, which runs on the weekly schedule
There are occasional fall/spring exceptions, such as when Fall Break occurs between weeks 14 and 15
Schedule the report release dates and times (12 p.m.) for both Instructor and Administrator reports
To check release dates, visit FCQ calendar, https://www.colorado.edu/fcq/calendar