Steps with a green checkbox
require a change to code
Steps with a yellow star
may require a change to code
Steps with a red X
indicate a step that may prompt a warning
Generate files in SAS
Open L:\FCQ\DATA\auditfiles\cyyt\
If setting up a regularly scheduled session, just Run program and Close
If an exception to the FCQ course audit has been requested, generate exception code for the requested class below the end date rules (beginning ~line 45, shown below)
Use the commented-out code (in green) to make exceptions rather than writing code from scratch—edit an existing line of green code and remove asterisk to uncomment
Run program
Save file (if changes made) and Close
Open L:\FCQ\CODE\AuditList\
If “%let cusisterm=” macro is set to desired semester, Run and Close
If “%let cusisterm=” macro is not set to desired semester, update, Save, Run and Close
Open L:\FCQ\CODE\AuditList\
Run program (takes 2-4 minutes)
Close any fsview windows that open (may not be any)
Open L:\FCQ\CODE\AuditList\
Run program
Open L:\FCQ\CODE\RequestsCL\
Increase batch number by 1 (and document in comments)
Run program
Save and Close
Open L:\FCQ\CODE\RequestsCL\
Need to update the %let rqstWhereStmt=WHERE macro (see below)
If setting up a regularly scheduled session, update the active statement (no asterisk) on variable adminStartDt (e.g., ‘08sep2020’d—see FCQ calendar to confirm start date)
If an exception to the FCQ course audit has been requested, comment out active statement and update a different line of code and uncomment (see example below)
Run program
If you get yellow screen, you are at risk of deleting a previous batch—go back and increment batch number in L:\FCQ\CODE\RequestsCL\
After ~30 seconds, an fsview window will pop up showing the classes for this batch
Close fsview window
Save and Close
Info |
Example: An instructor has requested their class be added to the current administration. You have changed the adminStartDt for the class in L:\FCQ\DATA\auditfiles\cyyt\ However, calling it by adminStartDt in step J10 will also pick up all classes with the same adminStartDt, creating troublesome duplicates. Instead, pick up the new class with a specific bit of code, ideally with campus and cats(sbjct_cd, catalog_nbr, class_section_cd), such as ACCT2120003 for ACCT-2120-003. |
Open L:\FCQ\CODE\RequestsCL\
Run program
Open L:\FCQ\CODE\RequestsCL\
Run program
Open L:\FCQ\CODE\RequestsCL\J30_StuEnrl&
Run program (Be patient: this takes close to 10 minutes to run)
Ignore “Must resolve mismatches before continuing!” warning
Open L:\FCQ\CODE\RequestsCL\J35_Instr&
Run program
Open L:\FCQ\CODE\RequestsCL\
Run program
Prepare R for files
Info |
Must have CIW access and R, R Studio and ROracle installed on your machine |
Open R Studio
Run your version of ciwpass.R to activate your CIW credentials
Generate files in R
Open FCQ_Audit01.R
Info |
Make sure term_cd and semEndDt are correct. |
Run FCQ_Audit01.R
There are built-in quality checks that will open new windows
If the new window is empty, continue running the code
If there are items that need to be addressed, follow the instructions in the code
Open FCQ_Audit02.R
Info |
This code establishes the general FCQ rules, determines eligibility and generates notes |
Run FCQ_Audit02.R
There is a built-in quality check that will open a new window
If the new window is empty, continue running the code
If there are items that need to be addressed, follow the instructions in the code
Open FCQ_Audit03.R
Info |
This is where to enter exceptions, set up the specific dates for the term and attach custom questions |
If the dates, exceptions and custom questions are all accurate, run FCQ_Audit03.R
There are built-in quality checks that will open new windows
If the new window is empty, continue running the code
If there are items that need to be addressed, follow the instructions in the code
Open FCQ_Audit04.R
Info |
Generates the course audit files |
Make sure none of the current audit files are open
Run FCQ_Audit04.R
Open CL_Imports.R
Info |
Identifies the classes to run during the next FCQ window |
Increase sess_num by 1 (and document in comments)
Update adminDtTxt variable in “session”
Run CL_Imports.R
There are built-in quality checks that will open new windows
If the new window is empty, continue running the code
If there are items that need to be addressed, follow the instructions in the code