Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Steps with a green checkbox (tick) require a change to code

  • Steps with a yellow star (star) may require a change to code

  • Steps with a red X (error) indicate a step that may prompt a warning


Note: If using a remote computer for SAS access, the name of that machine is PBA-SAS-TEST-02


Set up SAS environment


Only follow these steps if using ODA-D-004 computer, otherwise skip to “Generate files in SAS.”

  • Open SAS with Desktop icon

  • Open and run L:\FCQ\CODE\AuditList\, which calls needed macros

Generate files in SAS

(star) Open L:\FCQ\DATA\auditfiles\cyyt\


Sets the administration dates for all FCQ sessions and add exceptions/edits: IGNORE ERROR MESSAGES - this program is only setting up the date variables, not actually executing a full script.

  • If setting up a regularly scheduled session, just Run program and Close

  • (star) If an exception to the FCQ course audit has been requested, generate exception code for the requested class below the end date rules (beginning ~line 45, shown below)


  • Use the commented-out code (in green) to make exceptions rather than writing code from scratch—edit an existing line of green code and remove asterisk to uncomment

  • Run program

  • Save file (if changes made) and Close

(star) Open L:\FCQ\CODE\AuditList\


Tells the semester macro to pull from the current term

  • If “%let cusisterm=” macro is set to desired semester, Run and Close

  • (star) If “%let cusisterm=” macro is not set to desired semester, update, Save, Run and Close

Open L:\FCQ\CODE\AuditList\


Pulls the data from CU-SIS

  • Run program (takes 2-4 minutes)

  • Close any fsview windows that open (may not be any)

  • Close

Open L:\FCQ\CODE\AuditList\


Organizes classes into the appropriate session based on eligibility and administration dates

  • Run program

  • Close

(tick) Open L:\FCQ\CODE\RequestsCL\


Updates the batch number and term

  • Increase batch number by 1 (and document in comments)

  • Run program

  • Save and Close

(tick) Open L:\FCQ\CODE\RequestsCL\


Tells the program which session (or specific classes) to set up

  • Need to update the %let rqstWhereStmt=WHERE macro (see below)

  • If setting up a regularly scheduled session, update the active statement (no asterisk) on variable adminStartDt (e.g., ‘08sep2020’d—see FCQ calendar to confirm start date)

  • If an exception to the FCQ course audit has been requested, comment out active statement and update a different line of code and uncomment (see example below)

  • (error) Run program

    • If you get yellow screen, you are at risk of deleting a previous batch—go back and increment batch number in L:\FCQ\CODE\RequestsCL\

  • After ~30 seconds, an fsview window will pop up showing the classes for this batch

  • Close fsview window

  • Save and Close


Example: An instructor has requested their class be added to the current administration. You have changed the adminStartDt for the class in L:\FCQ\DATA\auditfiles\cyyt\ However, calling it by adminStartDt in step J10 will also pick up all classes with the same adminStartDt, creating troublesome duplicates. Instead, pick up the new class with a specific bit of code, ideally with campus and cats(sbjct_cd, catalog_nbr, class_section_cd), such as ACCT2120003 for ACCT-2120-003.

Open L:\FCQ\CODE\RequestsCL\


Creates Course file in K:\IR\FCQ\Prod\cyyt to import into Campus Labs

  • Run program

  • Close

Open L:\FCQ\CODE\RequestsCL\


Creates Sections file in K:\IR\FCQ\Prod\cyyt to import into Campus Labs

  • Run program

  • Close

Open L:\FCQ\CODE\RequestsCL\J30_StuEnrl&


Creates Enrollment file in K:\IR\FCQ\Prod\cyyt to import into Campus Labs

  • Run program (Be patient: this takes close to 10 minutes to run)

  • Ignore “Must resolve mismatches before continuing!” warning

  • Close

Open L:\FCQ\CODE\RequestsCL\J35_Instr&


Creates Instructor file in K:\IR\FCQ\Prod\cyyt to import into Campus Labs

  • Run program

  • Close

Open L:\FCQ\CODE\RequestsCL\


Creates Section Attributes file in K:\IR\FCQ\Prod\cyyt to import into Campus Labs


Run program


Prepare R for files


Must have CIW access and R, R Studio and ROracle installed on your machine

  • Open R Studio

  • Run your version of ciwpass.R to activate your CIW credentials

Generate files in R

Open FCQ_Audit01.R (located in \UCB-O365\AIM Measurement - FCQ\R_Code\course_audit)


Make sure term_cd and semEndDt are correct.

  • Run FCQ_Audit01.R

  • There are built-in quality checks that will open new windows

    • If no new window appears, continue running the code

    • If there are items that need to be addressed, follow the instructions in the code

Open FCQ_Audit02.R (located in \UCB-O365\AIM Measurement - FCQ\R_Code\course_audit)


This code establishes the general FCQ rules, determines eligibility and generates notes

  • Run FCQ_Audit02.R

  • There is a built-in quality check that will open a new window

    • If no new window appears, continue running the code

    • If there are items that need to be addressed, follow the instructions in the code

Open FCQ_Audit03.R (located in \UCB-O365\AIM Measurement - FCQ\R_Code\course_audit)


This is where to enter exceptions, set up specific dates for the term and attach custom questions

  • If the dates, exceptions and custom questions are all accurate, run FCQ_Audit03.R

  • There are built-in quality checks that will open new windows

    • If no new window appears, continue running the code

    • If there are items that need to be addressed, follow the instructions in the code

Open FCQ_Audit04.R (located in \UCB-O365\AIM Measurement - FCQ\R_Code\course_audit)


Generates the course audit files

  • Make sure none of the current audit files are open before running!

  • Run FCQ_Audit04.R

Open CL_Imports.R (located in \UCB-O365\AIM Measurement - FCQ\R_Code\campus_labs)


Identifies the classes to run during the next FCQ window

  • Increase sess_num by 1 (and document in comments)

  • Update adminDtTxt variable in “session”

  • Run CL_Imports.R

  • There are built-in quality checks that will open new windows

    • If no new window appears, continue running the code

    • If there are items that need to be addressed, follow the instructions in the code