Course audit

Course audit

The course audit file is an Excel document that lists class information for your department and whether or not each class is scheduled to administer FCQs.

The course audit window is a three-week period when the audit files are updated daily so FCQ coordinators can review the evaluation dates for classes in their purview. The audit window runs in March (for the spring semester), June (for summer classes), and October (for the fall semester).

The course audit workflow has up to four steps:

  • Download the course audit file

  • Review the course audit file

  • Update information in CU-SIS (if required)

  • Verify changes in the course audit file (if required)

Note: Changes to the course audit are made in CU-SIS, not in the course audit document itself

The FCQ schedule and course audit files are based off of information in CU-SIS. If you need to make changes to class information in the course audit file, you must do so through CU-SIS.

The FCQ program can not update your classes in CU-SIS. Only your department can make these changes. If you do not have access to CU-SIS, reach out to your department's curriculum manager or whoever sets up the courses for your department.


  • Go to the FCQ website and select Course Audit from the top menu

  • Select “View/Download course audit files”

    • kb_audit01.PNG
  • This takes you to a OneDrive folder with course audits for the current and previous semesters

    • kb_audit02.PNG
  • You can view any file in the window or download for your records

Key to the file names

  • Previous_Semesters

    • This is a folder containing the course audits from previous semesters going back to fall 2017

  • Abbreviations.xlsx

    • This is a glossary identifying all of the department abbreviations used in the file names

    • This is especially useful for new coordinators or folks in departments that have had name changes

  • audit(term)_all.xlsx

    • This is the master file for all participating campuses, which lists every class

    • Use filters to select your campus and department

    • This is primarily used for record keeping, but could be used for auditing

  • audit(term)_campusxx.xlsx

    • This is the master file for the individual campuses, similar to the _all file but separated by campus

    • Use filters to select your department, subjects, instructors, etc.

    • This is particularly useful for coordinators who oversee multiple departments

  • audit(term)_(campus)_(college)_(department).xlsx

    • These are the files for each individual department

    • Easiest to use since they are already sorted by campus and department

The course audit file contains a lot of information, which can be intimidating at first glance. Here is a quick overview to the layout:

  • Columns A-C state whether or not a class is setup to receive FCQs, and if so, when they will be open

    • Note that this information is NOT listed in CU-SIS

    • The information in these columns is generated by our office based on CU-SIS information

  • Columns I-K list the instructors assigned to this class in CU-SIS, their role and whether or not they have been marked “eligible” to get FCQs

    • This information is pulled directly from CU-SIS and reflects what your department has officially entered into the UIS system

    • If changes are needed, they must be made in CU-SIS by your curriculum manager

  • All remaining columns show the class details currently entered into CU-SIS

    • These can be useful, but aren’t always necessary for reviewing the course audit

    • This information is pulled directly from CU-SIS and reflects what your department has officially entered into the UIS system

    • If changes are needed, they must be made in CU-SIS by your curriculum manager

If you have reviewed your list of classes and instructors and everything is fine, then you do not need to make any changes. If updates are required, you (or your curriculum manager) must make the changes in CU-SIS.

To make changes, log into CU-SIS and choose the following pathway:

  • Main Menu > Curriculum Management > Schedule of Classes > Schedule Class Meetings

The relevant components for FCQs are instructor “Name” and the “Print” checkboxes. You are also able to update “Instructor Role,” but this will only affect your FCQs if you have role-specific custom questions.

Note: The “Print” box must be checked in order to receive FCQs, but does not necessarily mean that FCQs will be administered. The class must also be eligible for FCQs.

To make updates:

  • You may add or remove instructors and change their role

  • To request or remove FCQs for an instructor, click the box under “Print” to select or deselect

Once you’ve saved your changes, your updates have been made!

If you’re making changes during the designated course audit window: Changes made in CU-SIS won’t take effect until the data warehouse updates, which is the next business day for changes made by 5 p.m. During the audit period, your Excel will be updated to reflect any changes by noon each day.

  • Changes made by 5 p.m. should be visible in the course audit file the following business day

  • Changes made outside of business hours may take an extra day to appear in your course audit file

  • If changes made during business hours are not reflected in your course audit file within 48 hours, please contact the FCQ program

If you’re making changes outside of the designated course audit window: Contact the FCQ program to let us know of the changes.

Lastly, view or download an updated course audit file to verify that your changes have gone through.

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