How-To: Course Audit Updates
- Vince Pete Darcangelo
Pull most recent CU-SIS info and update the course audit files
Run the following code sequence
Files that are generated
Generated in the C:\Users\darcange\\OneDrive - UCB-O365\CourseAudit folder
These files are updated each time the above code sequence is run
The “_all” master file
Contains all classes for all campuses participating in FCQs in one file
The “_campus” files
A file for each separate campus listing all classes in one file
The “dept” files
audit(term_cd)_(campus)_(coll or campus_cd)_(dept_cd).xlsx
Traditional audit files for each individual campus/department
Example: C:\Users\darcange\\OneDrive - UCB-O365\CourseAudit\audit2241_CUBLD_BLDR_APRD.xlsx
Because the audit files are a snapshot of the CU-SIS data, it’s good to create archive versions
The “final” audit archive
At the end of each semester, the audit files from above are moved to their own folder in the “Previous_Semesters” folder
C:\Users\darcange\\OneDrive - UCB-O365\CourseAudit\Previous_Semesters\(term_cd)
This is a snapshot of the CU-SIS data the last time they were updated in the previous semester
However, this doesn’t show how that information changed over time
The “_bak” audit archive
Example: audit2237_091523.xlsx
Each time the code sequence is run, a raw file with all of the CU-SIS information from that day is created and timestamped in the CourseAudit_bak folder under the current semester
This creates 25-30 snapshots of CU-SIS data throughout the semester, which we can later use for troubleshooting errors or inconsistencies
“c20” and “clscu_r” files
Each time the code sequence is run, the c20 and clscu_r files are overwritten with the most recent CU-SIS data