How to access FCQ reports

How to access FCQ reports

All FCQ reports are available on the FCQ website (with the exception of batch reports). The instructions below will show you where to look for reports and how to choose the one that best meets your needs.


Access the FCQ results webpage:

  1. Go to www.colorado.edu/fcq

  2. Select “FCQ Results” from the menu

  3. Select your campus

Select the appropriate report:

  1. There are report categories for instructors, report administrators and students

    1. The public links (“Summary reports” and “Historic data”) are the same for all groups

    2. The private links (“Instructor reports” and “Batch reports”) are not the same for all groups--be sure to choose private links from the appropriate section

  2. If you’re uncertain of which group you fall under (instructor, report administrator or student), you can access any of the public links from any of the categories

  3. If you fall into more than one category (e.g., an instructor who is also a program director, a graduate student with a teaching appointment), you will use separate portals to access Campus Labs and Campus Labs reports

    1. Instructors access their FCQ reports through the Campus Labs faculty portal

    2. Report administrators access FCQ reports through the Campus Labs administrator portal

    3. Students use the Campus Labs student portal for submitting evaluations only--use the public links (“Summary reports” and “Historic data”) to view results

  4. “Batch reports” are not available online--they can only be accessed through your department archives

  5. Select the report that is appropriate for your needs (view the report selection guide)

    1. Printing or downloading an individual report: use Campus Labs

    2. Putting together an instructor portfolio: use Campus Labs or batch reports

    3. Building a spreadsheet of instructor summaries: use the summary reports

Campus Labs has different portals for instructors, report administrators and students. Please make sure you are using the correct portal.

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