Custom question requests

New custom questions are due about a week after the course audit closes (prior to Fall and Spring breaks). Questions submitted after the deadline will be applied to the following semester.

  • New custom questions will only be applied to the final FCQ administration at the end of the term.

  • Early ending courses will receive existing custom questions only.

  • Custom questions will rollover each semester until the department requests they be discontinued.

To add custom questions, submit the following to

  • Question text

  • Response text or scale

  • Range of classes to which they apply

    • a particular class or range of classes

    • should all classes within a subject or department get these questions

  • Instructor groups to which they apply (primary, secondary, teaching assistant)

    • should all instructor groups get these questions

    • should only particular group(s) get these questions

  • If the questions are for accreditation, please let us know