Special sessions and FCQs

Special sessions and FCQs

Special sessions refer to classes that do not follow the traditional 16-week schedule (15-week classes, 1-week break) for the fall and spring semesters. This also applies to classes that follow a nontraditional format.

Examples of special sessions

  • All early ending courses (e.g., 4-Wk Session 1, MBA Evenings 1)

  • Preterm courses

  • Weekend intensives

  • Study abroad

  • Other nontraditional formats (e.g., classes that span multiple semesters, self-paced courses)

An exception to special session procedures are short courses with end dates that coincide with the end of the semester (e.g., 8-Wk Session 2, MBA Evenings 2). Because their end dates align with the traditional semester, they are part of the final administration delivered on week 14 of classes.

Due to the varying lengths and times of special sessions, FCQs are set up by default to run during the final week of class (to account for classes that run for less than two weeks). This window is based on each course’s end date in CU-SIS.

Special session classes may have their administration dates changed on request. Please refer to the course audit for default dates and contact the FCQ program with any change requests.

Preterm classes begin prior to the start of the semester and usually end on or around week one of classes. The challenge with evaluating these classes is that they tend to begin soon after the previous semester ends (e.g., Maymester, preterm fall).

Due to the time it takes to close out one administration and set up another, FCQs may not be immediately available for preterm classes. Usually, evaluations will be ready for the final week of preterm classes. If not, they will be available within 48 hours of the preterm end date.

Weekend classes constitute a small percentage of classes, which makes them more difficult to prepare for. The FCQ program makes every effort to accommodate them, but if you oversee a weekend course and would like to ensure a weekend administration, please reach out to us to set that up for you.

Study abroad classes vary greatly, and since many of them involve field work or travel to places without reliable Internet access, the default FCQ windows typically do not work. If you oversee a study abroad course please reach out to us to set that up for you.

Self-paced courses and classes that extend beyond a single semester will be evaluated based on their CU-SIS term and end date. Unfortunately, this is non-negotiable. The FCQ platform will only evaluate courses that run during the assigned term. If a class is assigned to fall 2020, there isn’t a way to manually move it to spring 2021. The evaluation must either run in fall 2020 or be canceled. For a class to be evaluated in spring 2021, its CU-SIS term code must be spring 2021.

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