What is the course audit?

What is the course audit?

The course audit file is an Excel document that lists class information for your department and whether or not each class is scheduled to administer FCQs.

The course audit window is a three-week period when department FCQ coordinators review the FCQ dates for classes in their department(s). The audit runs in March (for the spring semester), June (for summer classes), and October (for the fall semester).

The FCQ schedule and course audit are based off of information in CU-SIS. If you need to make changes to class information in the course audit, you must do so through CU-SIS.

The FCQ program can not update your classes in CU-SIS. Only your department can make these changes. If you do not have access to CU-SIS, reach out to your department's curriculum manager or whomever sets up the courses for your department.

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