How are FCQ dates determined?

How are FCQ dates determined?

There is not a one-size-fits-all solution for setting FCQ dates, unfortunately, with more than 5,000 classes being evaluated each fall and spring semester. There are, however, best practices.

Below are the best practices for setting FCQ dates for each term.

During semester setup, default FCQ dates are assigned to all classes.

Why set default dates?

  • Due to the high volume of classes (>5,000 per semester), it’s not feasible to review each class individually and assign dates

  • Default windows ensure that a class gets evaluated as opposed to an opt-in system where classes may be missed if evaluations are requested too late

  • It’s easier to cancel an existing administration than to create one on the fly if needed

Administration dates may be adjusted on request

  • The final administration opens at midnight on the Monday of week 14 of classes and closes end of day on the Monday of week 15 of classes

    • the final administration includes all full-term and special session classes that coincide with the end of the semester

    • the 8-day, week 14 window was determined by a survey of all faculty at the Boulder, Denver and UCCS campuses

  • Weekly administrations open at 11 a.m. each Monday and usually close end of day the Friday of the same week

    • the weekly administrations include summer, special session and preterm classes

    • exceptions are made for weekend courses and occasional extensions

Final administrations may be extended, but cannot be shortened or otherwise have the dates changed with the exception of schools/colleges with nontraditional academic schedules

FCQs will not open on a weekend or holiday, with a few exceptions (weekend courses, special requests). This is to ensure staffing and support in case there are technical issues or administrative changes are required.

FCQs may run during a weekend or holiday, since any technical issues and administrative changes are likely to have been addressed already.

If a holiday falls on a Monday, FCQ administration will begin on Tuesday. If a holiday falls on any other day of the week, FCQ administration will begin on Monday as usual and remain open during the holiday.

There are no restrictions concerning FCQs overlapping with class finals, though this is generally avoided as a best practice.

  • For the final administrations in the fall/spring semesters, FCQs will never carry over into Finals week.

  • For weekly administrations encompassing summer, special session and preterm classes, FCQs and finals may overlap due to the condensed course period and the length of the FCQ windows

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