Combined sections

Combined sections

FCQs for combined or cross-listed sections are set up under the sponsoring section and include the enrollments from all sections.

Example: ASEN-4218 and ASEN-5218 are combined sections

  • ASEN-4218 is the sponsor with 6 enrolled students

  • ASEN-5218 is the non-sponsor section with 13 enrolled students

  • All 19 students will be grouped in ASEN-4218 for evaluation purposes

  • The minimum enrollment requirement to receive FCQs (3 or more students) is based on combined enrollment so that even if an individual section of a combined class doesn’t meet the threshold, those students will still receive evaluations

Example: If ASEN-5218 only has 2 students enrolled, they will be combined with ASEN-4218’s roster in order to meet the minimum requirement of 3 students

  • If the sponsor and non-sponsor section(s) are in different departments, only the sponsor department’s report administrator will receive the initial report. If you are the report administrator for the non-sponsor section, let us know and we can access that report for you.

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