When do FCQs run?

When do FCQs run?

Fall and spring semesters: There is a system-wide, end-of-term FCQ administration that runs from the Monday of week 14 of classes through the Monday of week 15. There are also weekly administrations throughout the semester for classes that don’t run for the full term.

Summer semester: There are weekly FCQ administrations throughout the summer.

Weekly administration windows are determined by the class end date in CU-SIS. By default, they are scheduled to run the last week of class. If you would prefer a different window contact us and we may be able to change your FCQs to a different administration.

How can I look up or confirm the dates when my FCQs are scheduled to be open?

There are two ways to confirm the dates online:

  1. FCQ calendar: The calendar has the dates for all early administrations, plus a CU-SIS “end-by” date

    1. The CU-SIS “end-by” date includes all classes up to and including that date

    2. For example, if the session 1 end date is June 2 and the session 2 end date is June 9, all classes ending June 3-9 will run during session 2

  2. FCQ course audit file: Your department course audit has the scheduled dates listed for each class

  3. If the CU-SIS end date for your class is incorrect, contact your department’s curriculum manager to edit 

The course audit file is generated the first week of classes and then updated daily for a three-week period in March/June/October. During the audit window, changes made in CU-SIS will be reflected in the audit in 1-2 business days.

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