Multiple instructors

Multiple instructors

For classes with multiple instructors, FCQs can be provided for 1-5 instructors per class based on CU-SIS information. The Campus Labs platform is very flexible and can handle most multiple-instructor scenarios. The only limitation is that an administration can only be given once a semester.

If the scenarios listed below do not address your situation, please contact the FCQ program.

Classes that are taught by multiple instructors throughout the length of the course. These are handled the same as classes taught by a single instructor:

  • All instructors marked “Print” will be evaluated with FCQs

  • All evaluations occur at the end of class (week 14 for full-term or final week for early ending classes)

  • Course questions are only asked once and scores applied to all instructors

  • Instructor questions are asked for each instructor separately

  • Instructors can only see their individual results, not those of any other instructors

Classes that switch instructors during the course. This course setup is not ideal for FCQ evaluations. Unfortunately, since FCQs can only be administered once per class, a workaround is required to evaluate all instructors at the end of their session:

Ideal solution: The department breaks up the course into separate sections, for example two eight-week courses, so that all instructors can be evaluated at the appropriate time and receive official FCQs

Single administration option: This is the default option. All instructors are evaluated at the same time, at the end of the course.

  • Pros

    • All instructors are evaluated with FCQs

    • All instructor receive official FCQ reports

  • Cons

    • Students will be evaluating one or more of their instructors from memory

    • Student ratings for the initial instructor(s) may be influenced (positively or negatively) by the performance of the final instructor

Split administration option: With this option, only the final instructor(s) gets evaluated with FCQs. The others conduct evaluations using Qualtrics, Canvas or some other method.

  • Pros

    • Each instructor is evaluated at the end of their teaching portion

  • Cons

    • Early instructors won’t receive official FCQ results

    • FCQ reports and dashboards will only display results from the Campus Labs evaluations

Alternative evaluation option: With this option, an alternative evaluation method (e.g., Qualtrics, Canvas, etc.) is used for all instructors.

  • Pros

    • All instructors are evaluated using the same instrument and delivery method

    • Each instructor is evaluated at the end of their teaching portion

  • Cons

    • No instructors will receive official FCQ results

    • FCQ reports and dashboards will only display results from the Campus Labs evaluations

The default setting for FCQs is that an instructor who teaches both the lecture and lab section of a course only gets evaluated once. The rationale for this is that in the majority of cases, each section includes the same students and there are no other instructors.

Evaluating an instructor once instead of twice eliminates redundancies, protects data integrity and prevents survey fatigue.

In some cases, an instructor will teach the lecture and a lab section, but there will be other lab sections that are taught by others (this is typically for large lecture sections). The same default setting applies.

However, if a department would like to change their default setting so that their instructors get evaluated in both lecture and lab sections, contact the FCQ program.

This is a department-wide setting. The FCQ program can adjust the default settings for all classes within a department, but cannot make exceptions on a class-by-class basis.

By default, the instructor is evaluated in the lecture section of the class, so an instructor teaching a 200-seat lecture and a 15-seat lab will be evaluated by the 200 lecture students. If you would prefer the instructor be evaluated only for the lab instead, just deselect the “Print” box for the lecture section in CU-SIS.

If an instructor is overseeing a class but not involved in actual teaching of the class (either functioning as a grader or supervising another instructor), they should not be evaluated. To cancel their FCQs, go to the course section in CU-SIS and deselect the “Print” box next to the instructor’s name.

FCQs will still go out to the other instructors who have the “Print” box checked.

Teaching assistants are treated the same as primary and secondary instructors in the FCQ system. If a TA’s “Print” box is checked in CU-SIS, they will be evaluated the same as all other instructors.

If a TA is serving in a support role but not actually teaching (or only teaching a single lecture), it is best not to evaluate them, as it can be confusing to students, not helpful to the TA and can disrupt the integrity of the FCQ scores.

To cancel evaluations for a TA who is serving in a supporting but not teaching role, go to the course section in CU-SIS and deselect the “Print” box next to the TA’s name.

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