Post-administration change requests

Post-administration change requests

FCQ results are frozen after an administration closes for the sake of data security and integrity. If you need to update instructor or course information after FCQs have closed, contact the FCQ program. In some cases, we can make updates to course or instructor information, but it is not always possible.

There is no guarantee that change requests can be accommodated. The surest way to get accurate course and instructor information is to confirm class data prior to administration.

An initial course audit is generated and posted online at the start of the semester and is updated daily during the three-week course audit period (in March, June and October respectively). Please review all courses to verify that the information is accurate and make any updates that are needed, including:

  • Instructor name

  • Course start and end dates

  • Whether or not class should be evaluated

  • Whether all instructors for a course should be evaluated or if any should be excluded

  • Is the course stand-alone or combined with other sections

  • Do the administration dates work for your early ending courses or do they need to be adjusted

Changes can also be made at any time during the FCQ window, but are unlikely after the window has closed.

Ensure that all course information is accurate prior to FCQ administration by referring to the course audit often. Changes may not be possible after the administration has closed.

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