How-To: Edit Student

Use the following guide to respond to frequently asked questions:

I would like to add a student to an administration:

I would like to add a student to an administration:

Is the administration…

Can not add a student to a closed administration

Have department add student in CU-SIS; they will get picked up in the regular FCQ sequence

Is the student in the Campus Labs system?

Follow instructions for Add students to an open administration (manual only)

Go to next question

Is the student on the class roster in CU-SIS?

I would like to remove a student from an administration:

I would like to remove a student from an administration:

As long as a student is on the CU-SIS class roster, we can not remove them. However, if they drop the class and are removed from the class roster, their FCQ submission will be deleted when we remove withdrawn students at the end of the semester.