How-To: Swap Instructor

If a department wants to swap instructors, determine whether the class

  • Is part of an open administration

  • Is part of a closed administration

Sign in to Campus Labs:

  • If prompted, select Boulder campus

  • Login with Identikey

Click on Administrations tile

  • Go to correct semester

  • Go to correct administration

  • Go to correct session

Search for class

  • Click on “Details”

In the “Instructors” tile (upper-right of page), click “Swap” next to desired instructor

  • Search for the new instructor in the dialogue box

  • If the new instructor is not yet in the system, follow Add an instructor to an open administration (Import) instructions

Repeat steps to swap instructors

While technically possible, this is not advisable. Since student responses were for a different instructor, results will be skewed or irrelevant. Dissuade departments from this option.

  • If department insists, follow instructions for an open administration above